Believe it or not, just six short months after starting To&From we have a product and are making hundreds of gift recommendations every day. As co-founder and CEO I naturally obsess about how fast we are moving, how much we want to do, fundraising, and all of the other things that cross my plate. The one thing that brings me the most joy right now, however, is opening a list of recommended gifts for someone I know and seeing how well we did!
With her permission, my friend Melissa has allowed me to share some of the items we are recommending to the gifters in her life. I know we have work to do – categories (like apparel and footwear) to add, building assortments and attributing logic for Men and Kids, integrating more data points, and more. But right now, I am taking a few moments of pleasure in knowing that we are serving up great gift ideas in time for the holiday season.
So, who is Melissa? Melissa is a marketing professional based on the west coast. She’s a mom of 2 smart and spunky elementary school age daughters, and she has been married for a long time to a great guy named Dan. She loves to spend time with friends – wine tasting, shopping, girls’ weekends, or just hanging out. Why are these details important? Well, at To&From we believe that you have to know a lot of different aspects about a person to make a good gift recommendation. It’s important to know the basic facts like family and career, but also more nuanced things like how long have they lived in their home, or how do they spend their time, or even, what are some new hobbies they have been exploring. All of this data and the details surrounding it helps to power our Gifting Intelligence™, which leads to the best gifts.
Traditional gift guides definitely have their place, and can be useful to get good ideas. But the best gift lists are specifically tailored to meet the needs, tastes and preferences of the gift giver AND the gift receiver. We’ve learned that when you get this recipe right you can deliver gifting magic and an expression of “How did they know?”!
So, how did we do? Well, we previewed her gift suggestions with Melissa and were thrilled to have so many gifts on our list that she LOVED. We are sharing some of them here (but not everything because every good gift giver, of course, has to keep some secrets).
I hope you are well on your way to finishing your holiday shopping, but if you still need help, join our waitlist at or drop us a note at info@toandfrom. We’d love to help!
Happy Gifting,
Co-founder & Ceo,
Melissa's Gifts
All photos are from the respective brands included in this post. Our Gifting Intelligence™ was used to select each product. To&From may earn a commission for purchases made through our links.
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